GCBalance Properties |
The GCBalance type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Account |
Checking Account number
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
AllowDuplicate |
By default, Cardknox rejects duplicate transactions within 10 minutes of the original transaction. This command overrides that safeguard. True/False allowed.
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
AllowPartialAuth |
True/False value indicating if an authorization amount is less than the initial request when full initial amount is unavailable. This variable is platform-dependent. Default is false.
(Inherited from Sale.) | |
Amount |
The total amount of the transaction, inclusive of tax and tip if applicable. This the total amount of the transaction.
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
BillCity | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
BillCompany | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
BillCountry | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
BillFirstName | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
BillLastName | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
BillMiddleName | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
BillMobile | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
BillPhone | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
BillState | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
BillStreet | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
BillStreet2 | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
BillZip | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
CardNum |
The customer card number. *Alternatively, xToken or xMagStripe can be used.
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
CardPresent |
Yes, No. For use in retail environments to indicate if the card is present.
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
CheckImageBack |
The back image of the check, in Base 64 encoded image format.
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
CheckImageFront |
The front image of the check, in Base 64 encoded image format.
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
CheckNum |
The Check number.
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
ClinicalAmount |
Specifies qualifying clinical amount for FSA transactions. xAllowPartialAuth must be set to True.
(Inherited from Sale.) | |
CopayAmount |
Specifies copay amount for FSA transactions. xAllowPartialAuth must be set to True.
(Inherited from Sale.) | |
CustomFields | (Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
CustReceipt |
True/False value indicating if the email address specificied in xEmail should receive a receipt containing the transaction details. (CC/Check operations only)
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
3-digit code from the back of the card (4-digit code from the front of the card for Amex).
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
DentalAmount |
Specifies qualifying dental amount for FSA transactions. xAllowPartialAuth must be set to True.
(Inherited from Sale.) | |
The DUK/PT key for PIN Debit and EBT transactions.The first 16 characters are the encrypted pin block, followed by the 6 character long Key Set Identifier (KSID). The remaining characters are the PIN Pad serial number and transaction counter.
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
The customer's email address.
(Inherited from Customer.) | ||
ExistingCustomer |
Yes/No value indicating if customer is a repeat customer.
(Inherited from Sale.) | |
Exp |
The card expiration number. Format: MMYY. For sandbox test transactions, use any date in the future. *xExp is required when sending in xCardnum and cannot be used with xMagstripe
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
Fax |
The customer's fax number.
(Inherited from Customer.) | |
Invoice |
The merchant's invoice number for the transaction. xInvoice is recommended when available for improved duplicate handling.
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
IP |
The customer's IP address. Typically used for fraud detection.
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
MagStripe |
The magstripe data of a credit card. Magstripe data includes the card number and expiration date. When using this command, xCardNum xExp and xToken should not be used. Encrypted Card data can also be sent using xMagstripe
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
The routing, account and check number data from the bottom of a check in MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) format, typically generated by a check scanner.
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
Name |
The cardholder's name.
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
OrderID |
Unique Order Number for FraudWatch verification.
(Inherited from Sale.) | |
Routing |
Checking Account Routing number
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
RxAmount |
Specifies qualifying prescription amount for FSA transactions. xAllowPartialAuth must be set to True.
(Inherited from Sale.) | |
ShipCity | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
ShipCompany | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
ShipCountry | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
ShipFirstName | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
ShipLastName | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
ShipMiddleName | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
ShipMobile | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
ShipPhone | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
ShipState | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
ShipStreet | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
ShipStreet2 | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
ShipZip | (Inherited from Customer.) | |
Street |
The billing street address of the cardholder.
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
Tax |
The tax portion that is included in the total transaction amount (xAmount).
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
Tip |
The tip portion that is included in the total transaction amount (xAmount).
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
Token |
The Cardknox token that references a previously used payment method. When using a token, xCardNum xExp and xMagstripe should not be used.
(Inherited from OperationBase.) | |
TransitAmount |
Specifies qualifying transit amount for commuter card transactions. xAllowPartialAuth must be set to True.
(Inherited from Sale.) | |
VisionAmount |
Specifies qualifying vision amount for FSA transactions. xAllowPartialAuth must be set to True.
(Inherited from Sale.) | |
Zip |
The billing zip code of the cardholder.
(Inherited from OperationBase.) |