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OperationBase Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  CardknoxApi.Operations
Assembly:  Cardknox (in Cardknox.dll) Version: 4.5
public class OperationBase : Customer

The OperationBase type exposes the following members.

Public methodOperationBase
Initializes a new instance of the OperationBase class
Public propertyAccount
Checking Account number
Public propertyAllowDuplicate
By default, Cardknox rejects duplicate transactions within 10 minutes of the original transaction. This command overrides that safeguard. True/False allowed.
Public propertyAmount
The total amount of the transaction, inclusive of tax and tip if applicable. This the total amount of the transaction.
Public propertyBillCity (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyBillCompany (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyBillCountry (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyBillFirstName (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyBillLastName (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyBillMiddleName (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyBillMobile (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyBillPhone (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyBillState (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyBillStreet (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyBillStreet2 (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyBillZip (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyCardNum
The customer card number. *Alternatively, xToken or xMagStripe can be used.
Public propertyCardPresent
Yes, No. For use in retail environments to indicate if the card is present.
Public propertyCheckImageBack
The back image of the check, in Base 64 encoded image format.
Public propertyCheckImageFront
The front image of the check, in Base 64 encoded image format.
Public propertyCheckNum
The Check number.
Public propertyCustomFields
Public propertyCustReceipt
True/False value indicating if the email address specificied in xEmail should receive a receipt containing the transaction details. (CC/Check operations only)
Public propertyCVV
3-digit code from the back of the card (4-digit code from the front of the card for Amex).
Public propertyDUKPT
The DUK/PT key for PIN Debit and EBT transactions.The first 16 characters are the encrypted pin block, followed by the 6 character long Key Set Identifier (KSID). The remaining characters are the PIN Pad serial number and transaction counter.
Public propertyEmail
The customer's email address.
(Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyExp
The card expiration number. Format: MMYY. For sandbox test transactions, use any date in the future. *xExp is required when sending in xCardnum and cannot be used with xMagstripe
Public propertyFax
The customer's fax number.
(Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyInvoice
The merchant's invoice number for the transaction. xInvoice is recommended when available for improved duplicate handling.
Public propertyIP
The customer's IP address. Typically used for fraud detection.
Public propertyMagStripe
The magstripe data of a credit card. Magstripe data includes the card number and expiration date. When using this command, xCardNum xExp and xToken should not be used. Encrypted Card data can also be sent using xMagstripe
Public propertyMICR
The routing, account and check number data from the bottom of a check in MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) format, typically generated by a check scanner.
Public propertyName
The cardholder's name.
Public propertyRouting
Checking Account Routing number
Public propertyShipCity (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyShipCompany (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyShipCountry (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyShipFirstName (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyShipLastName (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyShipMiddleName (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyShipMobile (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyShipPhone (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyShipState (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyShipStreet (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyShipStreet2 (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyShipZip (Inherited from Customer.)
Public propertyStreet
The billing street address of the cardholder.
Public propertyTax
The tax portion that is included in the total transaction amount (xAmount).
Public propertyTip
The tip portion that is included in the total transaction amount (xAmount).
Public propertyToken
The Cardknox token that references a previously used payment method. When using a token, xCardNum xExp and xMagstripe should not be used.
Public propertyZip
The billing zip code of the cardholder.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy